Biotinylated λ DNA 2x ATTO 647N


SKU: 00020 Category:

For λ-DNA (48,502 bp) with different labels, please contact The available variations are two ATTO 488 or two ATTO 565. 

This biotinylated double-stranded λ-DNA (48,502 bp) is labeled with two ATTO 647N fluorophores, one at position 33,786 bp and one at position 44,826 bp. This will facilitate fluorescence imaging and precise localization of the imaged proteins in the DNA sequence. The DNA is labeled with 3 biotins on each 3’ end to enable tethering in optical tweezers. The spacing between the two fluorophores can be used as a ruler to precisely localize the imaged proteins in the DNA sequence. Typically, 70% of the tethers contain both fluorophores. For visualizing the fluorophores, the 638/639 nm laser of the C-Trap is required. 

To study DNA-repair using optical tweezers, also have a look at the DNA lesion kits.

For the tethering procedure have a look at the protocol for tethering biotinylated λ-DNA (48,502 bp). For stability of the fluorophores, a buffer with oxygen scavengers can be used. 

Estimated for 20 experimental sessions on the C-Trap.

Estimated 1-4 weeks delivery time.


Biotinylated λ DNA 2x ATTO 647N

48.502 bp | 20 μl | 20 ng/μl (typical dilution factor 1:1000). Bacteriophage λ-DNA in TE buffer (10 mM Tris HCl pH 8.0 and 1 mM EDTA). Store at +4°C.

Product resources

Want to learn more?

Find the tethering procedure in the protocol for tethering biotinylated λ-DNA.

See our DNA/RNA–Protein Interactions application notes.

Want to use this product in practice?

Find out more about the C-Trap here.

Download the Genomic Sequence