Biotinylated DNA Single Stranded


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SKU: 00014 Category:

The biotinylated DNA single stranded (20,452 nt) is ideal for molecules that specifically bind single-stranded DNA. Exposing the DNA to fluorescently labeled proteins enables you to monitor dynamic binding activities and quantify DNA-associated events, such as replication, repair, organization, or transcription.

The DNA is shipped as double-stranded DNA, with 5 biotins on the 5’ and 3’ end of the same strand. After applying force to the overstretching regime, one of the strands falls off and a single strand remains bound between the beads.

Estimated for 20 experimental sessions on the C-Trap.

Estimated 1-4 weeks delivery time.


Biotinylated DNA Single Stranded

(20,452 nt) | 20 μl | 20 ng/μl (typical dilution factor 1:1000). Bacteriophage λ-DNA in TE buffer (10 mM Tris HCl pH 8.0 and 1 mM EDTA). Shipped as double-stranded DNA. Store at +4°C.

Product Resources

Want to learn more?

Download the protocol.

See our DNA/RNA–Protein Interactions application notes.

Want to use this product in practice?

Find out more about the C-Trap here.

Download the Genomic Sequence