
u-Flux™ Microfluidics System Updated with Improved Pressure Box

By October 4, 2016October 19th, 2016No Comments

LUMICKS is proud to announce the release of the upgraded u-Flux™ microfluidics system. This version of the u-Flux™ includes an improved pressure box, which allows the user to readily and easily perform single-molecule experiments in a laminar flow environment.

Not only has the whole design been revamped, but has LUMICKS’ u-Flux™ been made more user friendly with significant improvements in workflow. New features include a twist-and-go syringe adaptor with bayonet fitting that allows for quick and easy refilling of individual syringes. Additionally, the new u-Flux™ now has its electronics completely integrated and can be daisy-chained to increase the number of flow channels further.

Interested in using u-Flux™ for your experiments? Contact us for a demo or a quote.

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